PostProcess Technologies Releases New DEMI 910 Resin Removal Solution
for Carbon L1 and M2 3D Printers

Full-Stack Technology to Bring More Optimized Throughput and Efficiency Options
to Carbon® 3D Printing Customers


BUFFALO, NY, USA – May 26, 2021 – PostProcess Technologies, the first and only global provider of automated, intelligent, and connected 3D post-printing solutions, today announced its new DEMI 910™, a full-stack resin removal solution specifically for the Carbon ecosystem. The DEMI 910 leverages proven software, hardware, and chemistry in its patented Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) technology to significantly improve efficiencies for Carbon L1 and M2 3D printers.

As part of this fully integrated solution, PostProcess has developed a Carbon-specific detergent for use in the DEMI 910 to ensure optimized end-part quality, improved safety, and increased throughput for Carbon resin post-processing. Driven by the world’s first post-print software platform, AUTOMAT3D®, the DEMI 910 intelligently puts the detergent’s chemical energy to work and is compatible with the most popular Carbon resins, including EPU 41, EPX 82, MPU 100, RPU 70, RPU 130, DPR 10, UMA 90, and LOCTITE® 3D IND 405 Clear certified for Carbon printers.

With a specialized fixture design, the DEMI 910 is capable of automated resin removal for an entire build platform from a Carbon large-format L1 printer or two build platforms from a Carbon high-resolution M2 printer. This fixture enables Carbon Digital Light Synthesis™ (Carbon DLS™) printed parts to be processed by the PostProcess solution without ever leaving the build platform. This improves ergonomics, post-print cycle times, and productivity for technicians. The market demand for this solution has proven to be high, as several early access units have already been ordered by Carbon customers.

Noting the revolutionary nature of this product, PostProcess Technologies VP of Product, Rich Caplow, said, “The DEMI 910 has been developed to help Carbon customers scale by finishing as many printed parts as possible at never-before-seen rates. The fact that industry leaders like Carbon have already recognized the necessity of automated post-processing proves just how crucial this technology is to further scalability and throughput for the entire additive industry. We are proud to lead the industry into production applications with full-stack, sustainable solutions offering improved safety at the workplace and reduced waste, addressing Carbon customers’ specific needs.”

PostProcess Technologies and Carbon will be hosting a joint webinar, Carbon® 3D Printing: Maximizing Throughput, Safety, and Efficiency with Full-Stack Post-Processing, on June 22nd to further discuss this exciting product launch and what the additive industry can expect from their collaboration.

About PostProcess Technologies:
PostProcess Technologies is the only provider of automated and intelligent post-printing solutions for 3D printed parts. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Buffalo, NY, USA, with international operations in Sophia-Antipolis, France, PostProcess removes the bottleneck in the third step of 3D printing – post-printing – through patent-pending software, hardware, and chemistry technologies. The company’s solutions automate industrial 3D printing’s most common post-printing processes with a software-based approach, including support, resin, and powder removal, as well as surface finishing, resulting in “customer-ready” 3D printed parts. Additionally, as an innovator of software-based 3D post-printing, PostProcess solutions will enable the full digitization of AM through the post-print step for the Industry 4.0 factory floor. The PostProcess portfolio has been proven across all major industrial 3D printing technologies and is in use daily in every imaginable manufacturing sector.


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