Choosing the Right Automated Support Removal Technology for Your Additive Operation

Now that you’ve made an investment in 3D printers and design software for your additive manufacturing operation, your print volumes are undoubtedly scaling at a brisk pace. While the rapid throughput that 3D printing enables can boost your business, the post-printing step often falls short at keeping up with this newfound level of productivity. Unfortunately, bottlenecks in this stage are extremely common, as typical post-printing methods are archaic and overly reliant on manual labor.

The answer to this common conundrum? Digitalization. Software-driven solutions can bring your post-printing process up to speed with the rest of your workflow and connect the digital thread. So, where should you get started?

Getting Started with Automated Post-Printing
Our cutting-edge solutions are the first of their kind to effectively replace common support removal methods with automated approaches that leverage patent-pending software and exclusive chemistry technologies. This blog offers helpful insight into the differences between the various PostProcess technologies, as well as which technology is most ideal for removing structural part supports in your unique workflow. We’ll be touching on two popular print technologies, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and PolyJet.

So, how do you know which of our support removal solutions is best suited for you? Of our four core technologies, two are developed for support removal:

  • Volumetric Velocity Dispersion (VVD)
    The patented approach utilized in our VORSA and BASE solutions.
  • Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC)
    The patented approach utilized in our DEMI 400, 800, 900, and 4000 Series.

Both of these approaches utilize our AUTOMAT3D® software to customize parameters to your unique processing needs, which may then be saved as “recipes” for future use. Each option also leverages detergents specific to whichever primary polymer-based print technology you’re utilizing – material extrusion (i.e., FDM) or material jetting (i.e., PolyJet). In fact, the print technology that you’re using is going to be the most crucial deciding factor in determining if VVD or SVC is the best fit for you.

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
FDM is renowned for its versatile ability to seamlessly print complex geometries. Our VVD technology is developed for the post-printing needs of intricate FDM part geometries and meant to effectively replace submersion tanks. Due to limited ultrasonics capability and temperature control, processing times in these traditional submersion tanks are often lengthy and inefficient. VVD abounds with benefits to improve FDM post-printing workflows.

  • The technology employs spray nozzles that release detergent in a high flow, low-pressure technique. Combined with heating/cooling agitation, these parts remove hard-to-reach support material on FDM parts gently and efficiently.
  • The spray technique of VVD prevents sparse-fill FDM parts from becoming waterlogged, allowing rates of removal to remain optimal.
  • While alternative post-printing detergents are often caustic and require frequent changing, PostProcess’s proprietary detergents used with VVD can process parts 10-12x as quickly and last twice as long as the leading FDM post-print detergents.
  • Companies that have implemented VVD solutions such as the BASE have experienced significant returns-on-investment, such as decreases in operator labor and a drop in the time that must be dedicated to post-printing. For example, The Toro Company averaged an 89% decrease in post-print processing times and over a 90% decrease in operator labor. Read the full case study here.

As PolyJet printing is especially conducive to softer materials and parts with more complex internal channels, our SVC technology is ideal for effectively breaking up and removing support material without disfiguring PolyJet parts. Traditional PolyJet support removal methods like water jetting and submersion tanks are notorious for slow-moving processing and causing damage to parts.

  • SVC is our proven technology for PolyJet post-printing. Leveraging submersion techniques rather than spray methods, the technology employs a combination of heat, pump agitation, and ultrasonics to finish PolyJet parts.
  • While tacky hybrid layers on PolyJet parts can be bothersome to post-print, SVC can swiftly remove this layer in a singular step.
  • With agitation-driven submersion, SVC technology can more easily access the intricate internal channels of PolyJet parts. These sorts of channels may be especially prevalent in PolyJet parts created for medical or dental applications.
  • SVC’s vortex pumping scheme ensures that “parts that float sink, and parts that sink float.” In other words, regardless of density or geometry, SVC will ensure that the part is uniformly exposed to the detergent and cavitation from the ultrasonics, enabling a uniform finish.
  • Thanks to the calculated design of the SVC machines, parts can be loaded in and finished while still on the build tray for seamless transport between additive phases.
  • As previously mentioned, PostProcess’s proprietary detergents are safer, less caustic, and hold longer lifespans than competing PolyJet detergents.

Protolabs is one of the many companies that realized significant return-on-investment with a PostProcess SVC solution, reducing labor time by 50% and effectively freeing up 20 valuable labor hours per week. Read the full story here.

Still have questions? Our Live Solution Experience tours delve into our solutions for FDM, PolyJet, and beyond. Guided by one of our expert engineers, these tours show parts being processed and our machines being run in real-time, with the opportunity to ask questions.

After You’ve Chosen Your Solution
Once you’ve invested in one of our automated solutions, a PostProcess Application Engineer will guide you through our entire installation, training, and integration (ITI) process. This includes training on the functions and capabilities of the solution and advisement on the best practices regarding the cadence of your maintenance and your revitalized throughput levels. PostProcess has immense experience across virtually every additive manufacturing material, so you can rest assured that our engineers can make recommendations specific to your particular workflow and materials. Additionally, our User Support Site features resources and manuals that are accessible whenever you need them.

Want to learn more? Head over to our comprehensive FAQ page for additional insights, or contact us at

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Overcoming the Top 5 Post-Printing Obstacles: Your 2021 To-Do List

The start of a new year is an opportune time to hit the “refresh” button and take a good look at where improvements can be made. As we look ahead to 2021, most additive manufacturing operations are hopeful to save costs and increase productivity and efficiencies in the upcoming year. One often-overlooked roadblock to achieving these goals can be post-printing.

Often called the “dirty little secret” of additive manufacturing, post-printing is the final phase of the additive workflow that though rarely talked about, can have dire impacts on efficiencies and scalability. As the world’s first innovator of automated post-printing solutions, PostProcess is committed to resolving the issues caused by post-print bottlenecks with proprietary technologies that leverage software, hardware, and chemistry. Read on to delve into the top five post-printing mistakes that additive companies can make, as well as opportunities to overcome them.

Hand writing with a pencil in on a desk calendar.1. Underestimating Future Post-Print Needs
Additive is a rapidly scaling industry, predicted to reach a total market size of $26.68 billion by 2027. So, it’s likely that your own additive operation is growing at a steady rate as well. In our second Annual 3D Post-Printing Trends Survey Report, a mere 25% of individuals reported that their current post-printing methods will be acceptable for their future plans. Along the same grain, the respondents using print technologies targeted for production scale were the ones reporting the most expenditures and labor issues associated with post-printing.

A first step in understanding your true post-printing needs is to embrace the integrated ideology that we employ at PostProcess. While it’s easy to put post-printing on the backburner when viewing “Design”, “Print”, and “Post-Print” as separate, sequential phases, considering these steps to be interdependent can help set you up for success and accurately evaluate your post-printing needs. At the end of the day, arcane post-printing steps like manual picking and sanding, or traditional tumbling/blasting are simply not sustainable options for production volume additive manufacturing. Proactively considering your post-print needs are critical in making the most out of your time, energy, and materials.

2. The Impact of EH&S
Our aforementioned trends report study found that Vat Photopolymerization respondents held the highest concern for improving the health, safety, and environmental (EH&S) impact of their post-printing operation, followed closely by Powder Bed Fusion respondents. Considering the hazards associated with current methods, there is plenty of room for improvement in the safety and sustainability of post-printing.

Speaking to these EH&S issues, the chemicals traditionally used to finish 3D printed parts are notoriously harsh, causing unpleasant working conditions for technicians. Additionally, low flashpoints on chemicals like isopropyl alcohol (IPA) carry immense safety concerns and may lead to storage limitation issues. Traditional submersion methods (usually used for Vat Photopolymerization) require somewhat frequent changeouts of these potentially caustic chemicals – effectively slowing down efficiencies, and increasing the risk of safety hazards. The bottom line? Understanding the input and output of each printing system used in a facility can spare you from months of initial downtime and missed opportunities for ROI savings.

If you’re looking to modernize your workflow, PostProcess engineered the first-ever detergent specifically conducive to additive resin removal. Compared to IPA, this detergent immensely improves longevity to better handle large print volumes and was developed with a higher flashpoint to ease storage concerns. After experiencing continuous issues with IPA, international industrial design agency Splitvision switched to our solution which took cycle times from 30 minutes per part down to finishing 10 parts in less than 5 minutes. You can read the case study in full in our Case Studies database.

3. Undervaluing DfAM
Considering the post-print phase during part design can enable significant time, cost, and material savings for additive operations – it’s part of the integrated approach we spoke to earlier. When lacking this mindset, it’s common for engineers to mismatch applications to print technologies, and set unrealistic expectations for how the part will come off the printer. When occurring in real-time, these sorts of surprises can significantly inhibit productivity.

By beginning with the end in mind, technicians can optimize post-printing with simple, intuitive design considerations. Our white paper covers in depth the impact of the ways that strategies like part orientation, self-supporting angles, contour toolpaths, etc. can help impact overall efficiencies in FDM printing. Embracing the full power of DfAM is essential to achieving the highest part quality standards and most efficient operation possible.

4. Overlooking Post-Printing Costs
This year’s trend report found that about 20% of respondents don’t know what they spend on post-printing. These numbers can add up fast, as they incorporate labor, equipment, consumables, and more. Because technicians are typically doing the post-printing and management is somewhat removed, it’s understandable why the impact of these processes get overlooked. By keeping a close eye on the resources that your post-printing utilizes, you can stay aware of potential inefficiencies in your process, and gain a sense of how much you may save with an automated solution.

PostProcess has a specific return on investment (ROI) formula calculation which determines how much post-printing time one of our automated solutions could save an operation. To fully understand the impact of manual post-print costs, it’s essential to refer back to issue #2, and take chemical/general waste output, as well as material scrapping into consideration.

5. Hindering Scale-Up
This issue speaks to the general gist of the problem with traditional post-print methods. Simply put, manual post-printing processes are too time-consuming to truly allow the growth and scalability that most printing companies need to thrive. Not to mention, they can be incredibly wearing on technicians. If you are thinking of scaling up your additive process in 2021, it may be tempting to throw manual labor at the problem. However, the most efficient solution is going to be software-driven, so it’s vital to consider digitalized options.

By automating the post-printing process, technicians can spend less time on manual labor, and more time on sustainable, value-adding tasks. As the manufacturing landscape and specifically additive manufacturing becomes increasingly digitalized, implementing an automated approach to overcome the post-printing bottleneck can be transformative for your additive workflow. For more real-life examples of ways that our technologies have revolutionized additive operations, explore these testimonials.

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2021 Year in Review

PostProcess entered this year like everyone else: with renewed hope and energy. After the struggles that 2020 had brought upon the world, we were ready and willing to move forward and push ahead. For us, this year brought an abundance of progress: new partnerships, a new board member, and, of course, new and exciting ways to digitize the additive manufacturing workflow. Let’s look at the major highlights from the past year here at PostProcess.

Shaping Additive with Collaboration: Partnership with Carbon
In May, we announced our partnership with major 3D printing manufacturer Carbon. We launched our automated solution, the DEMI 910, to pair with Carbon’s L1 and M2 3D printers. The DEMI 910 optimizes end-part quality, improves safety, and increases throughput for Carbon resin post-processing.

The DEMI 910 can process the entire build platform from a Carbon Large Form L1 printer or two build forms from the Carbon High-Resolution M2 printer. PLM-403-SUB solution yielded improved user experience, efficiency, and throughput compared with cleaning with isopropyl alcohol (IPA).

Combined with our AUTOMAT3D® software platform and our Carbon-specific detergent, the DEMI 910 offers automated resin removal for the most popular Carbon resins: CE 22110, DPR 10, RPU 70, MPU 100, EPX 82, DPR 10, EPU 40, EPU 41, EPX 82, FPU 50, MPU 100, RPU 70, RPU 130, and UMA 90. Carbon DPR 10 resin is a proven material used in dental and orthodontic model production and a range of other applications.

Dinsmore, Inc., a leading California 3D printer service that specializes in design for prototyping, additive manufacturing, and general 3D printing, adopted our DEMI 910 solution. Using Carbon’s L1 and M2 Digital Light Synthesis™ (DLS™) printers for production, the DEMI 910 automates their resin removal process, which has been integral for their growth by speeding up production to maintain the productivity and value they are known for. According to Jay Dinsmore, CEO at Dinsmore, “The DEMI 910 has truly proven revolutionary in enhancing efficiencies and keeping part and production within budget.”

Achieving Biocompatibility Milestone
Along with the success of the DEMI 910, our resin removal detergent PLM-403-SUB achieved compliance with ISO Standard 10993 for evaluation of biocompatibility, as validated by Toxikon Corporation. This detergent serves as an integral part of the company’s comprehensive automated resin removal solution, and creates an impactful new industry standard of post-printing in the medical industry.

Joining Forces with Renowned Fraunhofer IAPT

We kicked off the summer with a major partnership: in June we announced our collaboration with Fraunhofer Institution for Additive Manufacturing Technologies IAPT, part of the world’s leading applied research organization Fraunhofer. Fraunhofer IAPT installed a PostProcess DECI™ support removal solution to aid in the digitization of their fused deposition modeling (FDM) processes. The DECI implements Volumetric Velocity Dispersion to assist in support removal associated with FDM printing.

Along with the DECI being used for their FDM process needs, Fraunhofer collaborated with us on metal surface finishing technology with the PostProcess DECI Duo. They printed high-precision test specimens in various materials and supplied us with highly accurate measurements and analysis of the finished parts.

Teaming Up with Global Metal AM Specialist AddUp
In November, we announced our partnership with AddUp, a metal 3D printing machine manufacturer and producer of parts by metal additive manufacturing. The DECI Duo will be paired with AddUp printers to help the affordability and safety of manufacturing AM parts by reducing the cost of post-printing and improving safety and traceability through digitization and automation.

With the DECI Duo automated metal surface finishing solution, AddUp focused on parts for aerospace, fashion, energy, automotive, energy, and medical industries. Partnering with PostProcess just made sense, according to Frank Moreau, CEO of AddUp, “[we found] the DECI Duo to meet the most challenging requirements of our customers.”

Pioneer of Big Data Analytics Joins Board of Directors
March brought great news for our Executive Board of Directors. We were honored to announce that Dr. Usama Fayyad had joined our board of directors. Dr. Fayyad is a world-renowned expert in data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI). His impressive resume includes: being the world’s first Chief Data Officer at Yahoo, Chairman, co-founder, and CTO at several startups in Seattle and San Francisco, launching the largest technology accelerator in the Middle East/North Africa, and co-founding OODA Health, among many other notable career accomplishments.

Dr. Fayyad has published over 100 technical articles and holds more than 20 patents. Dr. Fayyad joined our board alongside other seasoned executives, who help guide PostProcess with their insights from building and leading a variety of highly successful companies.


So while 2021 might be wrapping up, PostProcess is just getting started. We’re excited to see what’s in store for 2022 and look forward to providing you with even more opportunities to automate and digitize your additive manufacturing workflow.


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2020 Year in Review

What a year it’s been – not just for the additive manufacturing sector or PostProcess Technologies, but for the world as a whole. Between the good, the bad, and the oftentimes very ugly, most of us are probably excited to move on past 2020. Though this year certainly didn’t come without its fair share of challenges, we are proud of our perseverance and the progress we made in further digitalizing the additive workflow

As we wrap up the start of the new decade, we’re taking a moment of reflection to look at our year in review and speak to some of our most notable highlights throughout this strange year.

DEMI 4000 Machine Rendering with Door open.Innovating with Product Launches
A developing industry calls for unique, novel solutions. In 2020, we launched the world’s first-ever automated post-printing solution for production SLA printing – the DEMI 4000™ Resin Removal Solution. The DEMI 4000 was developed to addresses the growing market demand for a production-ready, software-driven finishing solution for high-volume SLA with the same fast cycle times, exceptional chemistry longevity, and safety features available in PostProcess’s existing lineup.

We also rolled out our fifth technology family, Variable Acoustic Displacement (VAD) for automated powder decaking – specifically for Selective Laser Sintering and Multi Jet Fusion print technologies. Enabled for scalability, VAD optimizes mechanical energy and leverages intelligent closed-loop thermal and displacement techniques to reduce cycle times while increasing part fidelity.

Additionally, we unveiled an advancement to our array of detergents specific to additive resin removal. PLM-403-SUB is not only optimized for safety, but lasts 6x longer than IPA, and bears a heightened flashpoint.

Receiving Distinction with Patents
In the past year, we’ve been issued not one but two new U.S. patents, helping to establish our role in the industry as true innovators. We’re pleased to now be able to call our Volumetric Velocity Dispersion (VVD) technology and Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) technology patented.

Broadening Our Reach with New Channel Partners
Thanks to the hard work of our world-class team, 2020 saw us connect with new channel partners – expanding us into Asia with C. ILLIES & Co., Australia through BV Products, Southeast Europe with Lino, and into countries like Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, and Armenia with Z-Axis. Domestically, we joined forces with TriMech and GoEngineer.  As we extend our global reach, we’re helping more customers fully automate their additive workflows.

Emergency Response During The PandemicOrange 3D printed Resin swabs on 3D printer
Of course, you can’t discuss this year without touching on the impact of the global pandemic. As the COVID-19 crisis ramped up, we went to work supporting Manhatten-based service bureau Print Parts’ Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab printing efforts with the PostProcess™ DEMI 800™ Resin Removal solution.  Additionally, our PostProcess™ BASE™ Support Removal solution was employed by our longtime customer, the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD), for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) support removal on face shield components. Locally in the Buffalo, NY area, we utilized our own in-house FDM 3D printing capabilities as part of a joint effort to produce face shields for first responders.

Driving Thought Leadership Through Virtual Events
With the widespread cancellation of industry tradeshows, virtual events seemed to be everywhere this year. In addition to a myriad of webinars throughout the year, we managed to put on two separate iterations of our virtual tradeshow, UNLOCK AM Live, taking place in March and September. September’s event, UNLOCK AM Live; Today & Tomorrow featured Fortune 100 brands like Google, Ford, and Thermo Fisher, as well as leading additive companies like Siemens, Protolabs, Henkel, Jabil, and more. Recordings from the show are available for download today.

Leading Industry Research
In 2020, we launched our second annual industry-wide additive survey, seeing an exponential increase in participation compared to 2019. Subsequently, we were able to aggregate the resulting data into a comprehensive report – our 2nd Annual Additive Manufacturing Post-Printing Trends Report. This report included key highlights like showing that the majority of respondents in high growth markets like Automotive, Aerospace, and Defense report that their current post-print methods are already a challenge to meeting their current additive manufacturing goals.

Collaborating with Customers
We continually received great feedback from recent customers who experienced transformative benefits as a result of implementing our solutions. Some of this year’s include:

  • Finnish crimping manufacturer Lillbacka Powerco Oy incorporated our PostProcess™ RADOR™ Automated Surface Finishing solution into their Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) operation to better finish custom end-use parts in shorter amounts of time.
  • Two mighty, Buffalo-based companies in the dental/orthodontic space; Orthodent Laboratory (using the DEMI 800 Resin Removal solution and RADOR Surface Finishing solution for Continuous Liquid Interface Production printing) as well as Great Lakes Dental, who reduced the bottleneck with automated surface finishing and powder removal capabilities from the RADOR.
  • Netherlands-based full-color 3D printer, Marketiger implemented the PostProcess Technologies™ DEMI 400™, which proved gentle and exact enough to effectively finish Marketiger’s Mimaki 3D printed parts.
  • As veteran 3D printers, Massachusetts-based service bureau Empire Group optimized their workflow via the DEMI 800 with proprietary SLA-formulated detergent, allowing an increase in their printing flexibility.


We look forward to seeing what the future holds, and more specifically, what 2021 has in store for both PostProcess Technologies and everyone in the 3D printing industry.

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DfAM: How to Reduce Support Removal Time for FDM

It’s no secret that Additive Manufacturing is a powerful tool, allowing engineers to create organic geometries and build parts in a completely unique process. One factor that enables these one-of-a-kind part builds is soluble support material. However, in an additive technology like Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) soluble support material can increase build time, the material cost of the part, and the amount of time that must be dedicated to the post-processing support removal step.

When designing a part, it is always important to understand the process in which the part will be produced, and the case is no different with Additive Manufacturing. The classic approach to additive is very siloed, sectioning off designing, building, and post-printing as separate steps, with the latter usually left as an afterthought.

However, post-printing is an integral part of the overall additive workflow, so it is important for all three of these steps to be considered in order to effectively streamline production, and ultimately improve scalability. This article will take a deeper look at support removal and how your part orientation, support settings in the slicing software, and part design can affect support material usage and removal. Using these tips combined with PostProcess Technologies’ VORSA 500 or BASE Support Removal systems for FDM will decrease your overall part cycle time.

Figure 1

Part Orientation

Depending on the geometry of your part, orientation can play a huge role not only in the part’s strength but also in the amount of support material that is used during the print step. Below you’ll find a simple example of how orientation can affect the amount of support material required.

Figure 1 shows a L-bracket printed on its end, and Figure 2 shows the same L-bracket printed flat on its side. In the below screenshots from the GrabCAD Print software, the green represents the model material of the part while the orange represents the support material required to print the part in that orientation. As you can see in the example below, build time is reduced by about 58% and support material usage is reduced by about 91% just by changing the build orientation of your part. This translates to a shorter overall part cycle time, as well as a lower part cost for you.

Figure 2

To determine if you have effectively minimized the support material needed for a printed part, you can use slicing software like Stratasys’s GrabCAD Print or Insight (if you have a Stratasys FDM printer) to preview the build and estimate the amount of time and material required. If you use Insight, there is also an Automatic Orientation function that will allow you to select the “Minimize supports” method. By choosing this option, you will see a couple of different orientation alternatives to minimize your support material usage. It’s important to keep in mind that this method in Insight does not always work, but it should always be able to help you figure out if you are on the right track. Especially if you have a complicated part, this software component is ideal for showing you options to minimize your support material usage.

Slicing Software Support Settings

Figure 4

When you cannot alter or change the design of the part, there are still things you can do to help reduce the amount of required support material in your build. In Insight, for example, if you have a part as shown in Figure 4, you can change how much support material is used by altering the “Grow Support” setting. By default, the software is set at “Small only”. However, in some cases you can modify it to “No.” See Figure 5 and 6 for the before and after results (in this case, the red is model material and the gray is support material).

By changing this setting, you eliminate the support material that grows from the bottom of the feature (in this case a hole) to the build platform. In the end, it comes to about a 10-minute reduction in build time (6% overall reduction) and 0.141 inᶟ reduction in support material (15% overall reduction) for this single part.

Figure 5
Figure 6

Part Design

Figure 7

The final option for reducing support removal time is to be strategic with your part design by maximizing on the benefits of whatever print technology you are using. With FDM, you can take advantage of self-supporting angles and, in combination with your part orientation, reduce the amount of support material needed. In some cases, this can help to strengthen your printed part.

So, just what is a self-supporting angle, and how do you know what the value of that angle is? A self-supporting angle is the angle from a line parallel with the build platform, to the feature being supported (see Figure 7).

In general, the angle is 45⁰. With that said, any overhanging geometry that has an angle of less than 45⁰ will require support material. However, to get specific, the actual value is in the support settings in GrabCAD print, and if you are using a Stratasys printer, in Insight. The actual value will vary based on the printed model material and the slice height that the printer is set at. For example, on a Stratasys Fortus 450mc, loaded with ASA material and printing at a slice height of 0.010”, the part will have a self-supporting angle of 43⁰, whereas Nylon 12CF is 50⁰. So that angle could change slightly when changing materials and/or slice heights.

While designing a part to be printed on an FDM printer it’s essential to understand what orientation the part will be printed in, and where you may be able to utilize tricks like self-support angles in your part design. Remember, this will help reduce the support material needed and help make the support removal process that much faster. Below is a self-supporting example that will illustrate how effective this can be in saving printer build time, support material usage, and ultimately reducing the time it takes to remove the support material.

Figure 8
Figure 9

Just like with any tool, it takes time and practice to design parts that take advantage of what Additive Manufacturing can bring to your engineering or design teams. As you start to look at the lifecycle of designing, building, and post-printing, explore the product offerings of PostProcess Technologies, specifically the VORSA 500 and BASE systems as solutions for FDM. Both of these systems are built with our proprietary Volume Velocity Dispersion (VVD) technology, which has been developed specifically for additive manufacturing to remove support material more efficiently and streamline workflows overall.

-> Read automated solutions for FDM Support Removal

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5 Revolutionary Features of our New Solution for High-Volume SLA Printing

Image of the PostProcess DEMI 4000 Unit. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the additive manufacturing industry is its scalability. With the capability to manufacture a part pretty much on-demand, 3D printing certainly has the potential to alter the way that manufacturers not only create their products, but also how they manage their supply chains, purchase raw materials, and allocate engineering resources. With an efficient, streamlined workflow enabled by additive manufacturing, companies can save significant amounts of time and money, and scale their operations at a pace they’d perhaps never before thought tangible.

With the knowledge that the concept of scalability is integral to enabling fully automated workflows, PostProcess set out to create an automated resin removal solution to accommodate high-volume stereolithography (SLA) production. Though PostProcess has developed multiple existing solutions for hands-free resin removal, this solution, called the DEMI 4000™, is our largest automated resin removal solution to date. The solution is specifically aligned for SLA print technologies and allows operations to handle high-volume operations with either large-sized parts or large builds with smaller-sized parts. Let’s walk through five of the features that make the UL/CSA listed and CE compliant DEMI 4000 a revolutionary innovation for the additive realm.

1. Patented SVC Technology
Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) is the same type of technology used in several of PostProcess’s other automated solutions for SLA, DLP, and CLIP print technologies. Controlled by the AUTOMAT3D® software platform (more on that soon), SVC optimizes the rate of resin removal with advanced ultrasonics, a vortex pumping scheme, as well as heat and fluid flow.

2. AUTOMAT3D Software
With a user-friendly interface, the AUTOMAT3D software takes the guesswork out of post-printing with pre-programmed recipe formulations. Hosted on a multi-touch HMI interface, the software works to control the agitation intensities, temperatures, process times, and more to produce consistent end part finishings with no breakage. Rather than dealing with trial and error, operators spend less time on post-printing, and simply have to “press play and walk away.”

3. Large Processing Tank
Measuring 890mm x 890mm x 635mm, the DEMI 4000’s tank is able to handle large or heavy loads of parts at one time, effectively increasing throughput and reducing cycle times. The DEMI 4000 functions to align with the following printers:

3DS ProX 800
Max build envelope:
25.6” x 29.5” x 21.6” (650mm x 750mm x 550mm)
Max build envelope: 31.5” x 31.5” x 23.6” (800mm x 800mm x 600mm)
Max build envelope: 20” x 20” x 23” (508mm x 508mm x 584mm)

4. Powered Lift System
The DEMI 4000’s ergonomic powered lift system allows for automatic lowering and heightening of tray loads. The automated adjustable rack system allows users to simultaneously process multiple build trays of various heights and widths. In addition to being convenient, the fully enclosed envelope helps ensure operator safety, as well as a clean work environment. The system itself integrates with the machine’s SVC technology for optimal ease of use.

5. Additive Formulated Chemistry
PostProcess’s detergents for resin removal are specifically developed for additive post-printing, unlike other common chemicals. Each detergent is uniquely optimized for different types of resins, including for specialized applications such as ceramic-filled resins and high-temp resins.

Our latest generation of detergent was found to have better longevity than all typical solvents (e.g. IPA, TPM, DPM), equating to more infrequent chemical change-outs, improved environmental-friendliness, and therefore a safer workplace environment. Having a flashpoint over 200°F / 93°C, this detergent complies with regulatory requirements.

Thanks to this unique blend of software, hardware, and chemistry, the DEMI 4000 is adept at consistently finishing parts with complex geometries and intricate internal channels. You can learn more about what the DEMI 4000 has to offer in an upcoming live tour here.

-> Read about our latest resin removal chemistry innovation in this Application Note

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New Advancement for SLA/DLP/CLIP Resin Removal: Meet our Latest Chemistry Formulation

Lattice 3 Black 3D printed Resin parts. Today we’re proud to launch our latest innovation for 3D-printed Vat Photopolymerization resin removal, PLM-403-SUB. This new addition to the PostProcess Technologies family of proprietary detergents was developed specifically for PostProcess’s patented Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) technology and improves upon the performance of its predecessor, the previously released PLM-402-SUB (referred to 402 from here on).

Read on to learn how PostProcess’s newly developed resin removal detergent stacks up against common resin removal solutions like isopropyl alcohol (IPA), dipropylene glycol methyl ether (DPM), or tripropylene glycol methyl ether (TPM).

Beyond a detergent’s ability to clean parts, perhaps the number one thing that users look at is the life of the detergent, as this typically determines the frequency of laborious cleaning activities. In the case of resin removal solutions, longevity can be defined by the weight that the chemical solution can hold while it is still able to functionally remove resin. As a result of testing capacity by weight of resin in solution at 10 minutes, 403 not only had better longevity than all typical solvents (IPA, TPM, DPM), but it also had a 6% improved longevity versus our previous solution, 402.

In addition to scaling back downtime caused by chemical change-outs, the optimized longevity of 403 can play a role in reducing waste generation, as well. Uncured resins in solution are considered hazardous, making them costly to dispose of. The less frequency with which this hazardous waste must be disposed of, the better – and that’s precisely the benefit of 403’s longevity. Once saturated with resin, 403 can even be recovered for use by distillation. Under a typical vacuum distillation, up to 90%+ of 403 by saturation weight (amount of resin in solution) can be recovered for reuse of the detergent. This factor serves to make 403 an especially sustainable and cost-effective option.

To enable users with a simple way of tracking their detergent’s longevity, PostProcess provides a Hydrometer solution to indicate the amount of resin saturation.

Safety Considerations
In addition to handling hazardous materials as minimally as possible, additive operations make an effort to mitigate inhalation and combustion risks in order to maintain a safe work environment. With a higher flashpoint and boiling point than 402 or IPA, 403 is a critical asset in reducing the risk of flammability and maintaining safety for engineers and technicians. In fact, this heightened flashpoint brought 403 down to the “non-flammable liquid” category.

Additionally, with a vapor pressure of only .2 @ 20 C (mm Hg) compared to IPA’s 33.1 @ 20 C (mm Hg), the 403 detergent is far less volatile to work around. Offering a safer work environment, this game-changing detergent is developed to be user-friendly with a minimal waste output.

Alleviating Storage Concerns
If you’re working in the additive space, you’re likely already familiar with the limitations on the amount of flammable/combustible resin removal liquids that can be kept on-site. While maintaining safety is essential, these regulations can prove troublesome for large-scale resin removal.

In situations where large volumes of chemicals are required to remove resin, 403’s heightened flashpoint addresses issues of storage limitations. The 220°F (104°C) can be stored for use in much larger quantities than other resin removal chemistries that are considered flammable or combustible.

Chemistry is just one part of our comprehensive approach to resin removal. You can learn more about the various components of our full-stack resin removal solutions, as well as see in-depth data on 403’s performance in our latest Application Note.

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How Automated Post-Printing Enabled Emergency Supply Production & Rapid Scaling Efforts for COVID-19 Response

Orange Resin 3D printed nasal swabs on 3D printer.Before 2020, it was easiest to look back on the World War II era for examples of times that emergency supply production took place. During this time (about 80 years ago), key domestic manufacturers were called upon by the United States government to shift their production to supply products that were urgently needed, and that could be created without a major dependence on global supply chains. As the saying goes, history tends to repeat itself, and sure enough, the government has been reliant on manufacturers to shift production for critically needed medical products in the wake of 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic.

The good news is that nowadays there is additive manufacturing, which has made the shift in production to medical and testing supplies significantly more expedient. PostProcess was able to contribute towards the emergency supply production and scale-up efforts of Print Parts, a Manhattan-based additive manufacturing service bureau. After securing a contract with New York City for the production of over 1 million 3D printed nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs for COVID-19 Test Kits, Print Parts invested in eight medical-grade Digital Light Processing (DLP) Envision One cDLM 3D printers from EnvisionTEC for their ISO 13485 compliant production lab. While these additional printers enabled scalable 3D printing, post-printing with traditional isopropyl alcohol (IPA) caused a significant bottleneck, as it would have taken over 20 minutes to clean each batch of printed swabs.

By implementing the PostProcess™ DEMI 800™ Resin Removal solution, Print Parts managed to reduce their resin removal process 5x over, as the software-controlled DEMI 800 delivered a completely hands-free cleaning process in a single 90-second submersion [followed by a quick IPA rinse]. Thanks to the efficiencies enabled by the PostProcess solution, Print Parts was able to rapidly scale in a short amount of time, and bring effective testing to individuals across the greater New York City area.

Check out our joint press release with Print Parts to learn more about how our technology-enabled rapid results not possible with previous methods, and more background information on Print Parts and the COVID-19 response contract itself.

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Furthering the Collaborative Spirit of the AM Industry

Unlock AM LIVE logoEven while our ever-turbulent world has undergone some exceptionally jarring changes in 2020, the additive manufacturing (AM) industry as a whole has managed to persevere through all of the recent ups and downs. While it’s true that the minimal amount of required starting material and quick turnaround times have enabled additive manufacturing to shine as the go-to solution for emergency supply production, there’s a little something else that keeps pushing the industry forward, and we believe that is collaboration, which PostProcess Technologies is embracing by continuing to host industry-wide virtual events. Keep reading to learn more about why these sorts of events are more important than ever before, as well as details about our next big virtual endeavor, UNLOCK AM Live: Today & Tomorrow.

Additive Manufacturing may be considered a relatively new industry, but it’s a rapidly growing one. The 2019 Wohlers Report estimated the worth of the entire industry at $11.867 billion, with a 21.2% growth from 2018 – 2019. Though additive has stood its ground as a whole, the recent economic downturn has still resulted in missed tradeshow and networking opportunities for many. And yet, collaboration and solidarity within the industry is the factor that keeps driving AM forward, regardless that it is still such a fresh sector. Additive’s intrinsic forward-thinking nature paves the way for Industry 4.0, the future of manufacturing, and the increasingly digital road ahead.

PostProcess Technologies set out with the intention to pioneer an entire sector of the AM industry that did not previously exist; software-driven post-printing. Even as relative “newbies”, we’ve held strong and steady over the curveballs that 2020 has thrown our way, and have done so by embracing this new remote “normal” and hosting a series of major virtual industry events. Recognizing that industry connection might be lost this year with the cancellation or delay of all major tradeshows, we put on our own week-long virtual tradeshow experience, UNLOCK AM Live in May, complete with an interactive virtual booth. We’ve even hosted major brands like The Toro Company for additional standalone online presentations. Since April, these virtual events have brought in hundreds of attendees, allowing us to spark connections and reach audiences that we may not have had the chance to otherwise.

This September, we are taking this collaborative spirit a step further. Our upcoming virtual event, UNLOCK AM Live: Today & Tomorrow will be pulling in executives from Fortune 100 companies like Google and Ford, as well as additive experts from cutting edge technology brands like Siemens, Protolabs, 3D Gence, Henkel, Jabil, and more. These guest panels and webinars will be taking place in addition to internally-hosted presentations and demos that showcase the ins and outs of our automated post-printing technologies. The event will be split into two tracks, with the “Today” track taking place on September 15th, and the “Tomorrow” track occurring on September 16th. We are thrilled for the opportunity to hear from these experts and look forward to being joined by forward-thinking attendees from a variety of industries.

Learn more about the event or sign up for sessions here.

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Empire Group Drives Workflow Gains with A Superior Approach to SLA Resin Removal

resin printed object printed with clear resin and supports visible.Yes, even companies who have been utilizing additive manufacturing for more than two decades can face challenges with the third step of the 3D printing process – post-printing. Empire Group, a service bureau specializing in rapid prototyping and industrial design/engineering, has long functioned to bring fast delivery times to its clients. They especially pride themselves on understanding the nuances of each material used within their shop, as well as the best finishing techniques for each, to ensure high product standards.

As veteran users of stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing, Empire Group reaped the benefits of the technology’s accuracy and flexibility. However, the lengthy and tedious resin removal process associated with this workflow soon proved problematic, as it became clear these inefficiencies would escalate into a more critical issue as the workload and number of printers grew. Without an automated solution, the amount of time dedicated to post-printing would only expand as well.

To stay ahead of these looming bottlenecks, Empire Group recently introduced significant time savings to its operation with the incorporation of the only full-stack digital post-printing approach on the market – the PostProcess™ DEMI 800™ Resin Removal solution. The DEMI 800, in combination with PostProcess’s proprietary detergents developed specifically for resin removal, transformed their workflow in a short amount of time. Subsequently, Empire Group was able to leverage shortened post-printing cycle times, refined high-volume production operations, and reallocation of their energy towards more value-added tasks.

View the full case study now to find more out about:

  • The scalability issues Empire Group was facing with traditional post-printing and how the DEMI 800 achieved an average time savings of 50%.
  • How these optimizations have improved overall productivity as well as Empire Group’s bottom line.
  • The details of PostProcess’s patent-pending Submersed Vortex Cavitation (SVC) technology, and how its cutting-edge software intelligence can be revolutionary for additive operations.

Access the Case Study here.

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