What to Expect from PostProcess at AMUG Conference 2022

Catch the PostProcess crew at the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) Conference happening in Chicago, Illinois, from April 3rd – 7th, 2022. AMUG provides in-depth education, networking opportunities, and training sessions for AM industry professionals from all over the world. As Platinum sponsors, we’re thrilled to be there to share our experience and expertise in post-processing.

PostProcess will be on-site at Booth P25 in Salon D to share our software-led post-printing solutions. Our DEMI 910 solution will be with us, and we’ll also be showcasing our latest innovation, CONNECT3D® Additive Manufacturing Platform! Sign Up for a live demo of CONNECT3D during the expo.

Stop by our booth and be sure to check out one of our presentations happening throughout AMUG:

Monday, April 4, 3:00 PM Astoria (3rd Floor)
Solving the Post-Printing Challenges for Resin Removal Applications

One of the common challenges that additive manufacturers face revolves around resin removal. This presentation, hosted by Dean VonBank, VP of Technical Services & Customer Success, will cover practical implementations with use case examples from those who have integrated automated post-printing to scale their operations and optimize throughput and consistency.

Monday, April 4, Astoria 3:30 PM (3rd Floor)
Utilizing Software in Post-Printing to Scale Up from Prototyping to Production

Digitizing the effort of post-processing additive parts is an untapped opportunity for companies who are want to automate, drive efficiency, and increase productivity in their additive operations. Our latest innovation, the CONNECT3D Additive Manufacturing Platform, is the newest addition to our current full-stack solution of hardware, chemistry, and software and complements the current AUTOMAT3D® software application. VP of Products, Rich Caplow, will discuss how to overcome the issues around connectivity and barriers that arise for companies who want to ‌transition from prototyping to using AM for full-scale production.

Thursday, April 7, 1:30 to 2:30 PM, Salon C
Post-Process Workshop

Get “hands-on” experience with post-processing and learn first-hand how to execute the last step in the additive manufacturing workflow. Join PostProcess for this workshop that covers DLS, FDM, MJF, Polyjet, and SLA post-processing solutions and experience the transformative power of automated post-printing.

Our team is excited to connect with the AMUG community to showcase our latest post-printing innovations. Contact us (link to contact page) to set up a meeting at Booth P25 in Salon D. We hope to see you there!

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