Furthering the Collaborative Spirit of the AM Industry

Unlock AM LIVE logoEven while our ever-turbulent world has undergone some exceptionally jarring changes in 2020, the additive manufacturing (AM) industry as a whole has managed to persevere through all of the recent ups and downs. While it’s true that the minimal amount of required starting material and quick turnaround times have enabled additive manufacturing to shine as the go-to solution for emergency supply production, there’s a little something else that keeps pushing the industry forward, and we believe that is collaboration, which PostProcess Technologies is embracing by continuing to host industry-wide virtual events. Keep reading to learn more about why these sorts of events are more important than ever before, as well as details about our next big virtual endeavor, UNLOCK AM Live: Today & Tomorrow.

Additive Manufacturing may be considered a relatively new industry, but it’s a rapidly growing one. The 2019 Wohlers Report estimated the worth of the entire industry at $11.867 billion, with a 21.2% growth from 2018 – 2019. Though additive has stood its ground as a whole, the recent economic downturn has still resulted in missed tradeshow and networking opportunities for many. And yet, collaboration and solidarity within the industry is the factor that keeps driving AM forward, regardless that it is still such a fresh sector. Additive’s intrinsic forward-thinking nature paves the way for Industry 4.0, the future of manufacturing, and the increasingly digital road ahead.

PostProcess Technologies set out with the intention to pioneer an entire sector of the AM industry that did not previously exist; software-driven post-printing. Even as relative “newbies”, we’ve held strong and steady over the curveballs that 2020 has thrown our way, and have done so by embracing this new remote “normal” and hosting a series of major virtual industry events. Recognizing that industry connection might be lost this year with the cancellation or delay of all major tradeshows, we put on our own week-long virtual tradeshow experience, UNLOCK AM Live in May, complete with an interactive virtual booth. We’ve even hosted major brands like The Toro Company for additional standalone online presentations. Since April, these virtual events have brought in hundreds of attendees, allowing us to spark connections and reach audiences that we may not have had the chance to otherwise.

This September, we are taking this collaborative spirit a step further. Our upcoming virtual event, UNLOCK AM Live: Today & Tomorrow will be pulling in executives from Fortune 100 companies like Google and Ford, as well as additive experts from cutting edge technology brands like Siemens, Protolabs, 3D Gence, Henkel, Jabil, and more. These guest panels and webinars will be taking place in addition to internally-hosted presentations and demos that showcase the ins and outs of our automated post-printing technologies. The event will be split into two tracks, with the “Today” track taking place on September 15th, and the “Tomorrow” track occurring on September 16th. We are thrilled for the opportunity to hear from these experts and look forward to being joined by forward-thinking attendees from a variety of industries.

Learn more about the event or sign up for sessions here.

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